Long time no see ❤️❤️

So, It’s been a long time after my last post. It’s already 2 years that I haven’t write my thought in these blog. Don’t worry because I stilll remember you all guys. Sooo, let me tell you the reason why…

I have been busy these past 2 years. And what have you done..? So if you guys want to check it out, dont be worry, you guys could stalk me in my instagram account @Yang_Maria and @Sampireun_Dapoer to find out what Am I doing. You guys could subscibed me on Youtube too. It’s called “Dapoer Sampireun Official”. There are videos about us, about doing crazy maddness thing. Impossible thing and insane! 😛😛

So here @sampireun_dapoer its kinda like a fast food restaurant. It’s fast food but not a JUNK FOOD think. It’s called fast food cause there’s some food that already cooked, then get served by. So you guys just take the queue, then choose what you guys want to eat, basically, (the food is served on the stainless box), then at the end of the queue, you guys just need to pay the bills . Actually we did serve some food that get cooked all of a sudden too.

Soo if you guys interested with what Am I doing, dont forget to follow my bussiness instagram account @sampireun_ dapoer and also subscribe me on Youtube “Dapoer Sampireun”. A lil bit sneakpeak about the food…….. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Here is One of Our New Menu:

Chicken Burger 🍔🍔🍔

So, it’s already late right now, gonna sleep tight dreaming bout these burger. So, see you on the next post 😝😝😝😝

Apa sih Ayam Kampus 🐔 itu?

Pernah denger gak sih istilah ayam kampus? Buat kalian-kalian yang masih dalam dunia perkuliahan, pasti tau banget sama istilah ayam kampus. Atau jangan-jangan, kalian yang masih dibawah umur juga mengerti istilah ayam kampus?

Gimana sih ciri-ciri ayam kampus?

Ayam kampus memiliki bodi yang menggiurkan untuk disantap. Bagian terenak dari ayam kampus adalah pada bagian paha dan dada… wuuuuaahhhhhh mantabbbbb… n yang paling penting, harga ayam kampus tergolong cukup murah loh… dan efek yang dihasilkan, kamu akan keliatan kece n keren banget kalau mengenggam paha atau dada ayam kampus…. 

Susah gak sih cari ayam kampus di jaman era modern dan serba ada ini? Jawabannya gampang banget… 
kalau kamu masih bingung harus cari ayam kampus kemana… nih gue punya sarang tempat berkumpulnya ayam kampus bertengger… dimana lagi kalau bukan di Bison Culinary ? 

Nih guys, kenalin, paket terbaru dari Bison Culinary. Paket Nasi Ayam Kampus..

Promo hanya berlaku selama bulan November loh… ayukkk buruan sebelum kehabisan 🐔🐔🐔 

Can’t moving on from Halloween

Jadi, tepat tanggal 31 Oktober kemarin, Bison Culinary dan segenap teman-teman ikut merayakan hari halloween dengan berdandan-dandan. (Bukan dandan centil loh yaa..)

So we trying our best to do it.

Yg pertama2 sudah berdandan adalah ci Virlia.  Dan hasilnyaaa….

Looks creppy enough! Jadi, doi me-make up dirinya sendiri, dan hasilnya pufff…. looks like a walking zombieeee.. ditambah ekspresi sangar dari doi, yakin deh kalian merinding liatnya…(note:

Pasien selanjutnya adalah Wilson.. berhubung ini anak super duper suka banget sama yg namanya Batman, yaaa makeup an dia gk jauh2 dari batman pastinya…

Ini proses pembuatan topeng Batman di wajah doi… yang nge-makeup in doi itu ci Virlia… saking  enaknya merem, doi sempet ketiduran saat di make up.. tuh liat aja matanya pas merem. Nyenyakkk beneeeerrrr…

Dan hasilnyaaaa…..

Batman Mask
Looks cool, right? Berasa kayak Bruce Wayne banget yakk… tegang banget mas difotonya… 😁😁😁

so next pasien is Ria.. and once again, ci Virlia yg membantu proses memoles wajah…

Dengan penuh harapan akan make up nya jadi keren, Ria pun memutuskan untuk pasrah dan menyerahkan diri sama ci Virlia untuk di make up.. dan ternyata…. semua itu gak sia2.. karena makeup yg terapply di wajah Ria, keren abisssssss…

Hiiiiiyyyy!! Serem banget ya jadinya.. for info, codet panjang berwarna merah disepanjang pipi itu sebelumnya tidak ada..hasil  make up-an ci Virly pun ditambahkan codet panjang sama Wilson, dengan konsep, zombie minum darah… yeeahh, not to bad anyway..

So, selagi Ria di make over jadi zombie sama ci Virly, timbul lah kejailan Wilson lainnya.. gue pun dijadikan bahan percobaan dan dijadikan mediasi kreatifitasnya. Mulailah doi memoles wajah gue dengan bahan body painting putih sebagai dasar warnanya.. sebenarnya, sudah muncul kecurigaan yang teramat besar dari saat pertama doi bilang kalau doi mau nge make up in gue.. 

Nih penampakan doi pas mulai nge make up in gue.. siapa yg percaya sama muka n senyum doi yang DEVIL banget. Ya udah berhubung gue percaya sama doi, ya gue pasrahin aja muka gue.. dengan estimasi doi termasuk cowo yg jago gambar animasi (menurut gue) secara dulu tugas menggambar gue, doi yg kerjain…

dan hasilnyaa……

Menggemaskan kan…? Gue malah terlihat seperti seorang wanita bekas korban KDRT, dengan tompel super gede di wajah… hellooowww… memang sih tema kostum kita kali ini bebas, tapi gak gini juga make up annya….

Dibandingin sama temen2 yg lain, make up mereka keren2 n serem2 banget… lahh gueee??

So at the end, ci Virlia yg ngerasa iba sama gue pun memoles hasil kerja Wils…

Dan tadaaa.. jadi lah topeng cat women… not bad at all.. so far, acara halloween di Bison Culinary seru banget, pengunjung pun antusias saat mereka melihat kami yg berdandan ala2 zombie dan memakai topeng…

The last is…

Here we are… thankyou banget buat temen-temen yang udah berpartisipasi… buat info2 event Bison Culinary selanjutnya, kalian bisa cek di Bison Culinary . Jangan lupa untuk registrasi juga yak guys… follow instagram kami disini

Just for fun

A few days ago, I did a photoshot session at my boyfriend’s house. He has a mini studio and it’s fit perfectly for a single person shot. So, I am trying to do my best and act out. I’m not a model, and I’m just a beginner in doing poses. So, here are the photos…….

I upload my photos too in my Instagram @yang_maria , and @wilson_bison for DOP of my Photos. Follow us on there to see more about our daily activities. Also follow @WB_production for many pictures of Model Photoshot.

If you wanna see more you can click here …… What do you think of my Photoshot’s photos? comment bellow or just comment it on my instagram. Thanks……

Legitimate Stage

World is like legitimate stage, and human are the actor and the actress. They are play narrative titled, “Drama Of Life”.  There are the main role, protagonist, antagonist, and also supernumerary. Life is full of acts and lies. It’s manipulate and you will never know which is the real fact that you are dealing. Life is unpredictable. No one could tell fortunes about birth, fortune, and dead. So it was a bullshit if there’s people who tell when will you die and things like that. You will never know what and when the story might ended. Sometimes, the actor will leading the story where he is on the top of the wheel, and it could change unexpectedly and the actor might be on the bottom of the wheel in a while.

There are people who kind to us, and it won’t forever like that, maybe there is a person that you really hate so much, but who knows that tommorow he will be your real friend, who ever guess that he is the one who fight for your rights. Yeah, life is like legitimate state that the condition could change suddenly, and we never know when.Sometimes the one that really nice to you and willing to give their hand to helping you is the one who hold a sharp knife in their other hand. But sometimes the one that educate aloud is the one who really care and love you.  But, like old man says that don’t judge the book by it’s cover, you will never know who is the enemies and who is your friend. We couldn’t judge people just by looking at their appearance.

So, whatever good for you just keep it up, and the bads just kicked them out. Take it if you like, and forget it if you don’t. Just let it go what hurt and harm you. You have a precious time that you could use for something else that useful. Don’t waste your times for things that prevent you to develop. Use your time to things that makes you develop, adding new information to your brain. Life is means never stop learning. Whatever you doing, just do it with sincere heart, do it with all of your heart and do it for kindness for others.

Falling in love

  1. Falling in love is the best feeling ever when you loved someone. It’s strange when my heart beat become faster  just because hear his voice called my name. How my mood can change immediately as easy as reverse the hands. How impatiently I am when waiting for his text reply. How safe I feels just because he hold on tight my hand. How blossomed my heart when he told that I was the only one. How shy I am when he played a joke to me. How nervous I am when he asked me to go out for dinner. How I could fall asleep just by hearing his melodious voice telling me a storytale before sleep. How mixed my heart when he makes me worry just because he didn’t tell his condition and haven’t reply my text message. How didn’t I don’t admit that I already falling in love to you.

It’s strange how could I locked my eyes on you even in a crowded place, so do like your voice that could be catched even in noisy environment. It’s strange  that I could smile and laugh by myself just because remember of your simple joke. It’s strange that I could recognized you just by smell on you scent. It’s strange that I could know where is your pain at just by loooking at your gesture. It’s strange that I already know what do you need before you asked me. It’s strange  when you hold loads on your shoulder and I know it just by looking your eyes. It’s strange when I know that you’re hiding something from me and I know it by your reaction when I asked you question. It’s strange how I could understand you so much and maybe that’s because I love you too much deep..

There are thousands man out there, but why I choose you? Can you tell me the reason why I loved you so much? Falling in love like this, make me want one little thing, i just hope this is not a dream. If it’s a dream, just let me sleep and don’t ever wake me up. 


People say that being in friendzone more fantastic than relationship. Do you agree with it? Let me tell you. Being in friendzone makes us feels comfortable. Because you guys could close to each other, texting message maybe hangout together, share kindness to each other, calling each other, share some secrets, you guys could vent about problem that come to you, and other romantic things together. A lot of people more expect to be friend rather than being in relationship. Because you guys could close to each other without anyone will get hurt. Maybe it isn’t hurt in the beginning, but sometimes one of them will get tired and bored because there aren’t continuation between them. One of them will tired cause the other one draped the relationship, especially for girls.

So how about in relationship? Actually in relationship, you guys already know each other characters and habbits. There are couple who keeps romantic in relationship and there are couple who doesn’t like a romantic things. They have their own way to keep their relationship in their own romantic ways. Maybe they looked like a normal friends who spend time together like a normal couple, but actually they already know each other deeply, they already know the good and bad between them. And they have a commitment that other people can’t see. Evenly there is a third person come to their life, it doesn’t matter since they know who is their heart belongs to.

So which one do you choose? Are in friendzone which in conjunction hanged or are in a relationship that know the limits of ethics in friends? Every choices will have their own consequence. If someone or something isn’t good for you then why are you still there? Think about it. You must obviously love the pain and negative feelings.

Reciprocal Relationship

We are social creature, we can’t live alone. We need people to help us and support us. We can’t do all the things alone. We need people to back up us. Life is about reciprocal relationship. Like animals, human build that reciprocal relationship too between people. What kind of reciprocal relationship that human built? It’s kind of we will need other people’s help, whenever the time is. You will never know when you need him. But, it must be a time when we will need their help. If it has not happened to you, means it does not. Just wait, and you will get your turn on. So, be friends with the others. Built your relationship with other as much as you can. Neither you will need their help or they will asked for your help.

Evenly, if we have a person that we hated so much, it must be a time when we will need their help. So don’t ever be arrogant to other. You need to be friends with all, but you don’t need to trust so much. Trust them is okay, but don’t trust too much. There are a lot of  bad people out there, so do with the good one. Just believe in one name, that will never betrayed you, never leave you, never dropped you down, He is the one who will stand for you right, and He is the savior, Jesus.

I Have a Dream

Dream. Yeah, everyone have a dream, so do I. My dream is traveling around the world with My dear. Maybe it’s simple, and i think everyone could do that, it’s not that hard at all. But, I put on my hard work to focus on it. I know that life is fast, so do my desire to reach my dream. I don’t wanna loose my presure time for only useless thing. I have a responsible that I need to keep. I have a load that I need to carry. I know it’s hard and not easy, but I believe in myself, that I will, and I can. Maybe you guys are just mock and pout me, It’s okay. Your lash will make me more hard work than before, more fast than before you can imagine. Just wait !

Self Motivation

Life is full of trials and struggles. Every people who lives in the world will face it doesn’t matter how their ages are. There are some people could take care of it, some don’t. People who could face it are the people who full of obsession to win on their problems. They don’t arrogant, but they just hate defeat. People who could through it are the people who never give up when problem come. They never quit before finish. They are the dreamers, that won’t stop until their dream come true by hard work, not just waiting until the miracle come. They never complain of what happen to them, they doesn’t afraid to fail when they are trying, they keep learning and they learn from their failure. They have winning mentality in them.

So, how to be a winner in the end? It’s all about self motivation. The one who could change the result is only you. Only you! No one else could. You are the one who could help yourself. You are the one who could make it happen. What are you wanna be? It’s determined on your behavior. You want to be a winner? or a loser? If you want to be a winner, just don’t ever give up, assure yourself that you can, don’t let others bring you down by their mockery. You are the one who could make your dream come true. You need to motivate yourself. Don’t let the laziness beat you and don’t be quick despairing. Because all good things made with patience, tenacity, persistence, consistency and wholeheartedly.

“Just let your pain make you. Let your sorrow guide you. Let you mistakes teach you but never let your defeat beat you.”