Legitimate Stage

World is like legitimate stage, and human are the actor and the actress. They are play narrative titled, “Drama Of Life”.  There are the main role, protagonist, antagonist, and also supernumerary. Life is full of acts and lies. It’s manipulate and you will never know which is the real fact that you are dealing. Life is unpredictable. No one could tell fortunes about birth, fortune, and dead. So it was a bullshit if there’s people who tell when will you die and things like that. You will never know what and when the story might ended. Sometimes, the actor will leading the story where he is on the top of the wheel, and it could change unexpectedly and the actor might be on the bottom of the wheel in a while.

There are people who kind to us, and it won’t forever like that, maybe there is a person that you really hate so much, but who knows that tommorow he will be your real friend, who ever guess that he is the one who fight for your rights. Yeah, life is like legitimate state that the condition could change suddenly, and we never know when.Sometimes the one that really nice to you and willing to give their hand to helping you is the one who hold a sharp knife in their other hand. But sometimes the one that educate aloud is the one who really care and love you.  But, like old man says that don’t judge the book by it’s cover, you will never know who is the enemies and who is your friend. We couldn’t judge people just by looking at their appearance.

So, whatever good for you just keep it up, and the bads just kicked them out. Take it if you like, and forget it if you don’t. Just let it go what hurt and harm you. You have a precious time that you could use for something else that useful. Don’t waste your times for things that prevent you to develop. Use your time to things that makes you develop, adding new information to your brain. Life is means never stop learning. Whatever you doing, just do it with sincere heart, do it with all of your heart and do it for kindness for others.

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